Editor in Chief:
L.G. Rudenko, Academician of the Ukraine National Academy of Sciences
The publication purpose: promotion of geographical knowledge about earth space and forming geographical thinking.
The journal covers fundamental and applied achievements in geography and cartography. Publishes original scientific papers on methodologies of geographical research, history of science. Contains also the directory of renowned scientists, educators; reviews, and chronicle of geographic events and information about achievements of some personalities.
“Український географічний журнал” включено до Переліку фахових видань України за спеціальностями 103, 106. Категорія А (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України 28.12.2019 р. №1643).
Journal is indexed in international scientific database Scopus, Index Copernicus International, registered and abstracted in Google Scholar, CrossRef Database, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Scientific publications are assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
ISSN 1561-4980
Founded in 1992
Published since 1993
Certificate of state registration number: КВ №23910-13750 ПР of 11/05/2019
Subscription index in the Ukraine periodicals catalog - 74513.
Frequency: 4 issues per year (quarterly)
Dimensions: 60x84 / 8
72 pages.