Editorial of the “Ukrainian Geographical Journal” accepts the original, not previously published scientific articles which address urgent geography issues at the present stage of its development. Articles should be written in Ukrainian or English.
The article size is up to 25 000 characters.
Structure of the article: UDC index, full name of the author or authors (in Ukrainian and English spelling), title, abstract, keywords in Ukrainian and/or English, full text, references, author’s place of work.
In the article the following sections should be highlighted: Importance and relevance of the researched topic; current state of the researched issue; main works, purpose of the research; main material (may be with subsections); conclusions.
The abstract should provide concise form of the main points in accordance with provisions of the article structure (800 characters in Ukrainian and 1800 characters including spaces in English).
References listed in alphabetically-chronological order, numbered, according the following requirements:
- For books: surnames and initials of all authors, full title of the publication, publisher, year, number of pages;
- For articles in periodicals: surnames and initials of all authors, full title of the work, name of magazine, publication year, page numbers where article is printed;
- List of references has to be followed by English translation (author's surnames should be transliterated according to Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine Resolution # 55 from 27.01.2010 "On regulation of Latin transliteration of Ukrainian alphabet");
- References to original sources in the article should be made in square brackets according to the number on the reference list.
Charts, cartographic materials and illustrations should be numbered and cited in the text. All graphics must be computer designed, black and white in one of the following formats: PDF or EPS (vector graphics are preferred), TIFF, BMP, and JPEG (raster graphics for photo illustrations only) with resolution of at least 350 dpi. Be sure to submit separately electronic files of drawings, graphs, charts, etc. Color drawings are not acceptable if the question is not agreed beforehand with the editors.
Rules for printing form. Text should be typed in Microsoft Word with all the formulas and charts. Files are accepted via email. Along with the electronic version two (2) printouts of the article text should be submitted. Printout must fully match the computer files.
Authors are responsible for: the accuracy of facts, quotations, statistical data, bibliographic references, spelling of geographical names and proper names. The authors should provide information about themselves, full name, academic rank, academic degree, place of work, job title, address and phone. Articles submitted to the Ukrainian Geographic Journal are reviewed. Accepted for publication articles are scholarly and literary edited. Relations between the editorial and authors are regulated by the Copyright Transfer Treaty:
License agreement to use the work (in English) | LicenseAgreementEN.docx |
Authors who subscribe for the journal receive preferences
Starting with UGJ № 2-2015 editorial board initiated the receipt of The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for scientific articles – the universal search hyperlink to publications on the electronic scientific network.
Articles should be sent to:
Editors “Ukrainian Geographical Journal",
Institute of Geography, Ukraine NAS,
Volodymyrska str. 44, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine;
e-mail: [email protected]