Ukr. geogr. z. 2013, N1:05-11
Language of publication: 

L. Rybchenko – Ukrainian hydrometeorological research institute, Kyiv;
S. Savchuk – Ukrainian hydrometeorological research institute, Kyiv.


Variations of radiation level components during the 2001 – 2010 yrs. intense drought periods relative to the climatological norm 1961 – 1990 yrs. has been demonstrated. Anomaly of the radiation level components in those conditions had been seen throughout entire territory during spring, summer and autumn months of the vegetation period. Significant increase in daylight and direct solar radiation along with decrease in its diffused component did not lead to a fast increase in combined total radiation. During spring and autumn droughts heating of the exposed soil surface often led to the underlying layer albedo. During the periods of drought there had been an increase in radiation levels. The conducted research has a significant importance for climate change monitoring as well as for practical applications in finding the ways to adapt farming to those changes.

Key words: 
solar radiation, radiation conditions, intensive drought, climatological norm

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