Ukr. geogr. z. 2013, N1:18-26
Language of publication: 

O. Topchiev – Odesa I. Mechnikov National University;
N. Nefedova – Odesa I. Mechnikov National University.


The development of global and national transportation-logistical structures is accompanied by the transformation in social and territorial organization of the port activity forms. It has been demonstrated that a modern port is a form of the state-and-private sector partnership with a number of large and mid-size businesses’ participation, which provide a wide range of services and a large number of jobs. The processes of the port-logistics centers formation and regional port-logistics system are reviewed based on the Odessa region example. The issues of ports integration into the global transportation-logistics network have been discussed. Sea ports integration into the global transportation-logistical services market and formation of the port-logistical systems represent the strategic directions in their development.

Key words: 
port, port activity, port-logistics centre, transportation-logistics system

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