Ukr. geogr. z. 2013, N1:27-34
Language of publication: 

G. Pіdgrushnyi – Institute of Geography of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv;
О. Denisenko – Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University.


It has been found that Kiev’s influence on its surrounding territory has a centrifugal-zoning character with the threshold intensity drop at the border of 60 and 120 kilometers. The influence of Kiev-Dnieper regional centers (Zhitomir, Chernigov and Cherkassy) is insignificant and not enough to guarantee strong socio-economic regional development. Influence of Kiev on regional development in Zhitomir and Chernigov regions is higher than their own regional centers. Contiguous analysis of Kiev proximity and a level of socio-economic regional development allowed to pinpoint three major region types – central, semi- peripheral and peripheral, as well as their sub-types – classic, patchy and lacunar. Regions of each type form spatial zones in Kiev-Dnieper region. Regions’ attribution to those types and sub-types is defined by a set of endogenic and exogenic dynamic factors. The former include character and intensity of the development impulses and the latter – regions’ own development potential and their ability to perceive the influence of the center. As a result of asymmetry and multidirectional character of those factors, the borders between central, semi-peripheral and peripheral zones are not clearly defined and static. They change in both spatial and chronological dimensions.

Key words: 
«center-periphery» model, socio-economic development indicator, development impulses, socio-economic lacunas

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