Ukr. geogr. z. 2013, N2:23-29
Language of publication: 

V. Loginov – Institute of Environmental Sciences Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Minsk.


The article reviews some questions of the climate research results interpretation in different spatial and temporal scales. Particular attention has been paid to the argument on the evaluation of the greenhouse gases and aerosols role in forming the seasonal characteristics of temperature changes in northern and southern hemispheres, as well as temperatures on the territory of Belarus. It has been shown that the ratio of the aerosols and greenhouse gases contribution to the modern climate changes varied significantly in different periods of the past 130 years. The climate warming in the 30s of the last century, was the summer type warming (warm season) and it differed from the warming that began in the mid 70’s, and was associated mainly with the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Cleaning the atmosphere from aerosol coincided with the periods of more significant positive summer temperatures anomalies compared to winter ones. The Periods when aerosol pollution was lower than normal, were observed in 1881-1901, 1924-1945 and 1996-2012 yrs. In the last 15 years, although the value of positive temperature anomalies in both seasons remained strong, rising winter temperature anomalies slowed, while no such significant slowdown in summer temperature anomalies has occurred. Those features of global and regional changes in temperature as well as air temperature in Belarus are not always consistent with changes in carbon dioxide and aerosols concentration in the atmosphere.

Key words: 
climate, global climate, regional climate, climate-forming factors, climate change

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