Ukr. geogr. z. 2013, N3:51-56
Language of publication: 

Yu. Yakovleva – V. Karazin Kharkov National University.


The article reviews peculiarities of settlement system on the territory of Donetsk Region. It has been noted that it was the development of coal mining and metallurgical complex in the region which became the precondition for the urban population growth and expansion of urban agglomerations as well as the network of towns and urban villages which were the centers of coal mining formed as a result of several settlements merger. Such industry driven nature of the population distribution and settlements formation contributed to emergence in the central part of the region a solid system of towns, a single urban area. Complex areas of population distribution patterns with mostly rural territories have been described. It has been pointed out that the uneven territorial industry distribution and single industry orientation of many towns have led to emergence of some depressed areas and numerous social issues at the present stage of development.

Key words: 
settlement system, population distribution patterns, urban agglomerations, urbanization, coal mining and metallurgical complex, Donetsk region

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