що надає послуги з передплати наукових періодичних видань і книг з наукової тематики Національної академії наук України.
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Karst water exchange systems are characterized by a number of specific features, resulting in their high sensitivity to contamination. Although a significant portion of karst groundwater in the structure of water supply in certain regions of Ukraine, the existing regulations on the protection of groundwater do not address specific karst water-exchange systems. The article explains the need for a special approach to the organization of groundwater resources protection in karst areas. Its key features are: 1) to perform special (adapted to the conditions of karst) groundwater vulnerability assessment to contamination throughout the food area, and 2) establishment of underground water sources protection zones based not on the principle of belt but discrete configuration, in accordance with the actual high vulnerability distribution areas, direction and speed of karst water. Article is illustrated with examples of problematic situations and recommendations how to resolve them in the conditions exposed Crimea Mountains Karst, in particular - Ai-Petri range in its southwestern part.
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