Ukr. geogr. z. 2015, N1:20-26
Language of publication: 

N. Barshchevska – Institute of evolutionary ecology of the Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv;
M. Barshchevsky – Institute of Geography of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv.


Based on the research (using the paleopedological method) of seven new reference sections, as well as their correlation with he studied earlier cuts of the nearby territories, the structure has been described and stratification of the Ingul river basin territory Quaternary cover has been performed. Paleogeographic conditions have been analyzed and environmental changes within the Ingul river basin in the Pleistocene have been reconstructed. In the described reference sections 15 climatoliths within the Dnieper river plateau and 16 climatoliths within the Black Sea lowland of the main Pleistocene stratigraphic scheme have been highlighted.

Key words: 
Quaternary sediments, reference section, climatolith, fossil soil, the Ingul river basin

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