Ukr. geogr. z. 2016, N1:41-46
Language of publication: 

L.H. Rudenko - Institute of Geography of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
S.A. Lisovskyi - Institute of Geography of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
Eu.O. Maruniak - Institute of Geography of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.


Ukraine is one of the countries with rather complex history of formation and struggle for its independence. Modern stage was not simple either, marked by the search for the right geopolitical vector and opportunities for the internal potential realization which is happening under the conditions of Crimea annexation and Russian aggression in Donbas region, significant transformations of the international relations. The aim of the publication is to identify the prerequisites, threats and limiting factors for successful spatial development of Ukraine in today’s globalized world. As for spatial development, there are strong (advantageous geographical location, favorable climatic conditions, proven natural resources, high level of education, developed transport and technical infrastructure, etc.) as well as weak (social inequality, low wages and high unemployment, high assets depreciation and outdated technologies, high level of corruption, etc.) points. Threats to development have been pointed out: energy dependence, the shadow economy, the negative balance of foreign trade in goods and services and so on. The study was conducted within the framework of social geography methodology considering the approaches used in contemporary governance and formation of international relations. In particular, to identify strengths and weaknesses, flaws in spatial development and its legal provision such approaches as SWOT and GAP analysis have been applied. Key indicators have been identified based on the experience of international sustainable spatial development indicators (the UN and the EU programs, developments of some European countries). Summary outlines the directions and measures to strengthen the Ukraine’s economy taking in consideration the sustainability principles and role of the geographical science in this research.

Key words: 
spatial development, sustainable development, European Union, SWOT-analysis, sustainability indicators
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