Ukr. geogr. z. 2016, N1:47-52
Language of publication: 

O.L. Dronova - Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University;
Ya.S. Lys - Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.


The issue of allocation and management of urban agglomerations which objectively exist in the geographical space of Ukraine, but have no legislative regulation of their status, has been raised. In search of optimal management models the European experience (Switzerland, France, UK, Spain, approaches the EU in general) has been analyzed. It was found that as a rule urban areas in EU are fixed by law with clear selection criteria. An example of cooperation organization between individual administrative bodies within the agglomeration as well as empowerment of their management bodies has been given. During the ongoing reforms in Ukraine a number of laws that create organizational and legal basis for inter-municipal cooperation have been passed. Regulatory provisions on voluntary association of territorial communities can be seen as mechanisms to control urban settlements agglomerations. Official recognition of the urban agglomerations existence will contribute to good governance aimed at their harmonious spatial, economic, social and environmental development.

Key words: 
urban agglomeration, metropolis, administrative-territorial organization, management, municipal cooperation, spatial development, local communities
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