Ukr. geogr. z. 2016, N2:03-12
Language of publication: 
L.H. Rudenko - Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
S.A. Lisovskyi- Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
Eu.O. Maruniak - Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Aim of the work, the results of which are set out in the paper is to define the essence of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedures and its role in modern spatial planning in the world countries and regional political and economic unions. SEA has been studied as an important tool of the environmental development and plans implementation component for socio-economic development of countries and regions in the context of their sustainable (balanced) development. The current state of SEA procedures implementation in Ukraine spatial planning has been analyzed. Opportunities and geography tasks in the of SEA implementation into the described procedure, have been studied taking into consideration the existing geographers’ experience in processing the advanced foreign experience in how to use new environmental component implementation instruments in Ukraine territorial planning.
Key words: 
strategic ecological assessment, experience in the SEA use, territorial planning, SEA implementation, the role of geography

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