Ukr. geogr. z. 2017, N3:10-20
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The purpose of the publication is to summarize the experience of work on the producing of the digital landscape map of Ukraine and the presentation of methodological approaches to the medium-scale geoinformation mapping of landscapes, as well as the technological developments worked out as a holistic methodological creation.The number of methodological and technical issues related to the implementation of research work are covered. The special combination of classical landscape science methods and approaches with the latest GIS technologies is productive. The main methodological issues of developing the structure of the digital landscape map and forming the structure of GIS “Landscapes of Ukraine” are determined and solved: the grounds of the basic (operational) landscape mapping unit, which is the object of medium-scale geoinformation mapping (in this study- mistsevist and complex urochishcha); development of the structure of the landscape maplegend; working out of methodical techniques of GIS-mapping of landscapes. A large array of information on individual components of nature and the landscape structure of the regions of Ukraine is used. The worked out method of the medium-scale geoinformation mapping of landscapes is aimed at using the possibilities of modern GIS technologies for collecting, systematizing and analyzing data on landscapes and their constituents and applied landscape assessment for different purposes. The scientific novelty of the research is in developed methodological and methodical principles of geoinformation mapping of landscapes and in the created medium-scale digital landscape map of Ukraine as an open geographic information system supplied with a database of landscapes and their components.
Key words:
landscape, geoinformation mapping of landscapes, methodology and procedures of GIS-mapping of landscapes, landscapes geodatabases
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