Ukr. geogr. z. 2017, N3:57-63
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The purpose of the publication is to determine the role and place of color in the formation of the content of the map. This article considers the theoretical and methodological background for the assessment of the cognitive scope of cartographic modeling based on map semiotics. The semiotic aspects of the map content (syntactic, semantic and sigmatic, pragmatic in particular) defined by A. Aslanikashvili lacks comprehensive coverage of the thematic maps content and aspects. This study substantiates the necessity to add the “color-thematic” component as well as some additional parameters of the sing – the scale of content (size), the orientation, the color of circuit and background – following the geographic semiology of J. Bertin. Thus, the color as the attribute (unaccounted before) completes the reflection of the conceptual semiotic aspects of the map content and enables evaluation of its cognitive scope. The novelty of the research is in the theoretical justification of the possibilities of color in displaying in signs (in their form, internal filling and the external elements attributed to them) the numerous substantive characteristics of the objects of real world with uncountable color combinations using various methods of cartographic modeling.
Key words:
map semiotics, cartographic modeling, means of cognition, language concept of the cartographic theory, the semiotic aspects of the map content
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