Ukr. geogr. z. 2017, N4:20-30
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The aim of the article is to define peculiarities of development of Ukrainian-Hungarian borderland as an important link in the system of European integration of Ukraine. The legislative framework of Ukrainian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation is analyzed as well as its current scale and orientation. Territorial organization of Ukrainian-Hungarian cross-border region has been researched. Involving a method of expert questioning, a number of issues have been researched including aspects of mutual using of available natural resources of the borderland, distribution of income level and live quality on both sides of the border, possibilities of development of cross-border economical clusters, cross-border migration and ecological safety etc. It is emphasized that the potential of Transcarpathia with a high proportion of Hungarians living in the border areas of the region and having close labor, cultural and historical, business and other ties with Hungary are especially favorable for European integration processes. The system of actions is offered to activate socio-economic development of Ukrainian-Hungarian cross-border region.
Key words:
cross-border region, cross-border cooperation, European integration, Ukrainian-Hungarian borderland, Ukraine, Hungary
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