Ukr. geogr. z. 2017, N4:30-38
Language of publication: 
M.O. Baranovskyi - Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University.
The purpose of the publication is to estimate the specifics of formation of the financial decentralization in Ukraine, the level of financial autonomy of territorial communities, its regional differences, and the reasons that predetermine them. Financial decentralization, which presupposes the concentration of resources at the grassroots level of government is an important tool to solve the problem of the formation of self-sufficient territorial communities is As a result of its implementation, certain problem aspects emerged, in particular territorial disproportion in the financial capacity of communities. The article analyzes the dynamics of the total incomes of the amalgated territorial communities of Ukraine, the structure and regional differences of their own tax revenues. It is defined that only 20% of territorial communities are financially autonomous. The typification of communities by financial characteristics was carried out, the high level of subsidies for the territorial communities budgets of the western regions of the country was determined. With the help of correlation-regression analysis it was established that the general economic indicators of the regions development, the size of the communities, and the status of their center have the greatest influence on the financial autonomy of territorial communities. It is proved that financial preferences do not play a leading role in the process of territorial communities formation yet, and a significant part of them was created without proper economic basis. The instruments have been identified, the implementation of which will enable to increase the revenue part, firstly, of peripheral territorial communities.
Key words: 
administrative-territorial reform, financial decentralization, self-sufficient territorial community, structure of communities incomes, the subsidy level of communities budgets
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