Ukr. geogr. z. 2017, N4:53-61
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Full text:
The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of spreading trends of particularly dangerous diseases for population lives in Ukraine, its neighboring countries and some highly developed EU countries: Norway, Finland, and Switzerland. The modern processes that are taking place in the medical sphere of Ukraine are generalized. The trends of changes in the indicators for viral hepatitis, AIDS, cancer, diseases of the blood circulation, alcoholic psychosis, drug addiction, the prevalence of cancer and diabetes during 1990-2014 have been observed. The rankinging of the studied countries by the average arithmetical of each indicator over the past 5 years have been done. 4 groups of countries by the spreading features of analyzed population diseases have been selected. The novelty of the study is in determining the place of Ukraine among the neighboring countries and some highly developed EU countries according to the data of the population morbidity on particularly dangerous diseases during the last 25 years.
Key words:
medical geography, population morbidity, particularly dangerous diseases, trends of diseases spreading, Ukraine
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