Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N1:30-38
Language of publication: 

I.V. Gukalova - Institute of Geography of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv.


The purpose of this publication is the interpretation of the concept of «urban development» in its relationship with the quality of life concept, the analysis of international cooperation experience and the development of urban concepts with special attention to the integrated urban development approach, which is accepted in Ukraine. The challenges of urbanization and the possibilities of counteracting its threats have become an important part of many international strategic documents approved in recent decades in the framework of spatial and sustainable (balanced) development. Their key goal is to improve the quality of life of the population, and the practical realization of development goals is impossible without continuous monitoring of problems that affect the city community, its viability, as well as approaches to their solution. Despite the differences in the manifestation of the consequences of urbanization in different countries, different common practices and patterns of urban transformation, the need to develop specific strategies for the development of Ukrainian cities requires an analysis of foreign, in particular European, experience in planning and managing their development and determining the possibilities for its implementation. Changes in approaches to urban development are considered through the prism of the evolution of the well-known modern concepts, each of which aims to reduce the overall level of «problematic» life of cities. The novelty of the article - in the formulation of the task of studying the urban development principles associated with quality of life, existing conceptual drafts and approved international documents.

Key words: 
quality of life, sustainable development, urbanization, urban development, Ukraine
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