Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N1:47-55
Language of publication: 

V.P. Nahirna - Institute of Geography of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.


The purpose of the study is to identify the current socio-economic status of small towns of rural regions of Ukraine, which arose as a result of transformations in the agrarian sector of the economy; working-out of the directions of development of small cities from the point of view of their stimulating influence on the countryside. On the basis of system-structural analysis of small cities (on the example of Vinnitsa region), the present state and features of economic activity in small towns of rural regions, the influence of systemic changes in the agrarian sphere on their development were revealed. The analysis of employment of population in small cities in the conditions of decline of production in industry, deterioration of the market conditions is given. The novelty of the research is the discovery of new forms of relationships between small cities and rural areas on the basis of industrial and technological coherence of processing enterprises with producers of agricultural raw materials; working-out of the directions of development of small cities from the point of view of socio-economic development of rural areas.

Key words: 
small cities, countryside, agriculture, processing enterprises
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