Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N2:51-61
Language of publication: 
L.H. Rudenko - Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
K.A. Polyvach - Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
This publication identifies the main challenges and negative trends in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, such as ignoring universally accepted principles of modern development in the sphere of protection and preservation of cultural heritage, crisis condition of historical and cultural environment of most historic settlements, destruction and irreversible loss of historically valuable buildings, historical and cultural landscapes, objects and territories, lack of a system of electronic information resources about the cultural heritage of Ukraine, lack of a clear policy on how to introduce national cultural and natural heritage of Ukraine to the international community and others. As a result of the study, constructive recommendations for reforming the state policy in the field of protection and preservation of cultural heritage were prepared. Proposals on mechanisms and tools for its implementation are developed. Among them are the improvement of strategic, program-target and spatial planning, improvement of the state registration and accounting system, creation of a monitoring system and the system of appropriate reporting and public informing, a unified system of electronic information resources and popularization of the national cultural heritage. The novelty of the study is in the development of appropriate proposals and recommendations for their solution, taking into account the documents adopted by the international community, and emphasizing the role and significance of the science of geography.
Key words: 
sustainable (balanced) development, cultural heritage, historical and cultural territories

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