Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N3:03-15
Language of publication: 

V.P. Palienko - Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
R.O. Spytsya - Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
O.B. Bagmet - Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.


The purpose of publication: to study the staging of the geomorphologic investigations evolution in National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, to reveal the content and principal trends of the fundamental, regional and applied investigations, which have been carried out by the geomorphology department of Institute of Geography of NAS of Ukraine during more than 50-years period of its existence. The elaboration of the methodical-methodological basics of step-by-step neotectonic and complex retrospective morphostructural-neotectonic analysis; three-factor geomorphological analysis taking into account the interaction of endogenous, exogenous and technogenic causes; quantitative valuation of the river channel longitudinal profile deformations to reveal the differentiations of the Crust’s present-day tectonic movements; the complex analysis of geologic-geomorphologic structure of flood-plain terraces to estimate the Holocene and present-day tectonic movements of the Crust; the complex analysis of the natural and natural-anthropogenic geomorphosystems for the purpose to reveal the regularities of geomorphogenesis during geomorphologic stage in general and separate substages; the middle- and large-scale geomorphologic investigations and mapping; morphostructural and neotectonic investigations in fault zones; assessment of dynamic characteristics of relief for the engineering tasks solution; the correlation of geomorphologic and neogeodynamic events within the bounds of platform and orogenous morphostructures in the Late Cainozoe; the assessment of geomorphosystems resistance and dynamics should be considered as the most significant results of fundamental investigations. The ascertainment of spacial regularities and peculiarities of morphostructure and morphosculpture, the determination of space-time regularities and peculiarities of morpholithogenesis and geomorphodynamic on Ukraine’s territory; the substantiation of principles and elaboration of geomorphologic, morphostructural, neotectonic subdivision into districts of Ukraine’s territory; the ascertainment of space-time regularities of the manifestation of the Crust’s latest tectonic movements and the evaluation of their influence on present-day relief forming; the substantiation of the determination of neotectonic relief-forming regimes and situations, phases, sub-phases and stages of neotectogenesis and geomorphogenesis; geomorphologic and neotectonic mapping of Ukraine’s territory are the most important achievements on regional level. The application of morphostructural-neotectonic analysis methods to prospect for oil and gas; the assessment of engineering-geological and engineering-geomorphological conditions in regions, where NPP, linear objects, urbanized territories are situated; working out of the conceptual basics for evaluation of neogeodynamic and ecologo-geomorphologic risk; the elaboration of the consolidated legend for geomorphological maps (scale 1: 200 000 – 1: 50 000); morphostructural-neotectonic study of ChNPP Exclusion Zone to evaluate geomorphologic and neotectonic conditions of accumulation and migration of radionuclides; the analysis of geomorphological and neotectonic conditions in the upper stream of the Dniester river, dangerous for the HEPP cascade construction are the most significant elaborations of the department. The problems of geomorphosystems study have been defined and priority lines of geomorphologic and neotectonic investigations on the contemporary stage of science development have been substantiated.

Key words: 
geomorphology, neotectonics, morphostructure, geomorphologic system, neogeodynamic, fundamental regional, applied geomorphologic and neotectonic investigations
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