Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N3:44-56
Language of publication: 

M.I. Struk - Institute for Nature Management of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk;
V.S. Khomich - Institute for Nature Management of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk.


The aim of the report – the revealing of the peculiarities of the social and economic and demographic development of Belarus for 2000th and the changes of the life level of population connected with them. The specificity of the management of the social and economic development of the country, which is in wide use of state forecasting, encompassing economic, social and ecological spheres is considered. The tendencies of economic and demographic development during considered period are determined and the opposite direction of their change is revealed. In the first case it is in transition from high GDP growth rates (7,4 % per year) in the first decade to their sharp decrease (0,8 %) in subsequent 7 years, because of the deterioration of the external market conditions; in the second – from depopulation to the relevant stability of its number, due to a decrease in natural loss, an increase in life expectancy and a positive migration balance. An increase in population life level in accordance with the growth of the economy is found. The achieved increase in its real monetary incomes by 3,8 times allowed to reduce the level of poverty in the country from 42 % in 2000 to 6 % in 2017. The existing regional distribution of the real wage, when the differences between the regions do not exceed 1,2 times, creates the prerequisites for ensuring similar standard of a life level for the population throughout the country, while Minsk is stands out, where this index is 1,4 times higher than the average. The key directions for the current stage of the development of the country to restore the sustainable growth of the economy as the leading factor in raising the standard of the life level of the population are marked, such as the increase in the competitiveness of manufactured products combined with the diversification of foreign markets for its sale.

Key words: 
post social development, economy, population, life level, management, state forecasting, Belarus
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