Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N4:10-15
Language of publication: 
Zh.M. Matviishyna - Institute of Geography National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
A.S. Kushnir - Institute of Geography National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The publication was prepared on the basis of the results of paleopedological studies of the time archeological monument Storozhove burial mound, which was conducted by employees of the paleogeography sector of the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during 2010-2015. The study used the geoarhaeology approach in the context of the paleopedological method using micromorphological analysis. The main essence of this approach is the study of buried ground under an archaeological monument and its comparison with modern soil. As a result of the research, new data on the natural conditions of the small chronointervals of the late Holocene were obtained.
Key words: 
soil, Holocene, Storozhove burial mound, paleogeography, geoarchaeology

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