Ukr. geogr. z. 2018, N4:41-48
Language of publication: 
S.O. Santalova - Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The purpose of this study is determination of the probable contemporary social, economic and natural preconditions of the especially dangerous population diseases emergence, development and spreading in Ukraine. The role of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems in the process of healthcare management has been highlighted. The place of the factors affecting the population health and addressing the health care institutions in the structure of International Statistical Classification of Diseases has been shown. The current demographic situation in Ukraine has been described. The especially dangerous diseases of Ukrainians have been determined. The study results of the correlation relations strength between modern social, economic and natural factors of occurrence, development and spread of especially dangerous diseases of Ukraine’s population, that often lead to the lethal consequences have been presented. The role of the similar researches in the process of «Strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine till 2030» realization has been determined.
Key words: 
medical geography, population morbidity, particularly dangerous diseases, diseases’ factors, strategy of sustainable development, Ukraine

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