Ukr. geogr. z. 2019, N1:08-14
Language of publication: 

Yu.D. Shuisky - Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University;
G.V. Vykhovanetz - Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University;
D.O. Pankratenkova - Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.


The purpose of the publication is to present the results of research on the present state of the coastal zone of the Black and Azov seas within Ukraine under conditions of uncontrolled anthropogenic influence and obtaining primary geographic data for the further provision of optimal nature management. The results of researches of four typical coastal areas during the period 2015-2018 are presented: Danube, Northwest and Dnipro-Karkinitskaya on the Black Sea, as well as the North Azov Sea on the Azov Sea. The influence of various structures (coastal protection, recreational, port, navigational, etc.) on the coastal zone of these seas is characterized. Among the main effects of anthropogenic activities within the seaside are the most pronounced abrasive-shear and abrasive-bridging processes of various types, changes in the relief of accumulative forms, beach erosion, reduction of reserves of beach-forming sediment, the destruction of coastal flora and fauna. It is determined that nowadays the use of natural resources in the coastal zone of the seas within the boundaries of Ukraine is irrational because there is no qualified natural justification, and the construction and operation of the facilities are being violated by environmental legislation. During 2-3 decades, continuous stealing of coastal deposit from beaches, bars, terraces, and overflows to such an extent has taken place, which has led to a sensitive increase in abrasion and erosion of accumulative forms, loss of coastal areas with all that is located on them. In the 90s of the twentieth century, a special genetic strategy for the rational usage of the coastal zone resources, including within the seas of Ukraine, was developed. But in current years, it is not used in Ukraine, because it needs some, but a little expenses In order to preserve and restore the natural resources of the seaside, it is necessary to conduct scientific research taking into account physical and geographical conditions and anthropogenic impact.

Key words: 
coastal zone, coastal protection, sediments, abrasion, settlements, anthropogenic impact, Black Sea, Sea of Azov

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