In the paper are presented the results of geoinformation analysis of open geodata on landuse changes in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine during 1992-2018. The output data are Landsat multispectral satellite imagery and land cover geodata series from 1992 to 2015 by Climate Change Initiative – Land Cover (CCI-LS) project. Three main trends of the land use changes have been identified: reduction of the agricultural land share by 4%; increased share of forests and forest cover area; increase in the share of land under construction. By 2015, the majority of land withdrawn from agricultural use (61%) was built up. The growth of forest area has occurred as a result of afforestation of former agrofields. By 2015, 36% of the land withdrawn from agricultural use is identified as a forest. Changes in arable land to the forest occurred mainly on unfit land – with poor sandy soils, on steep slopes, floodplains. New buildings are concentrated around large cities (mainly regional centers, other significant cities) and in the reach of international and national highways. The major changes in land use occurred in 1994-2004. Such tendencies are characteristic for the administrative regions (oblasts) of Ukraine, which lie within the forest-steppe zone, in particular Vinnytska Oblast and Cherkaska Oblast, which are fully located within this zone, and Sumska Oblast and Poltavska Oblast, most of whose area is occupied by forest-steppe landscapes. More detailed studies of the land cover structure and changes in land use have been carried out for test areas in Vinnytska and Sumska oblasts, including cities of Vinnytsya and Sumy. The analysis of the changes is based on own results of interpretation of Landsat 4 and 5 (1992) and Landsat 8 (2018) space images. The trends and peculiarities of land use changes correspond to the general ones in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. The results of the study have been passed to Vinnytska, Cherkaska, Sumska and Poltavska oblast state administrations.
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