Ukr. geogr. z. 2019, N2:03-12
Language of publication: 

M.D. Grodzynskyi - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing points of view and to find out the causes, time interval and range in which the anthropization of landscapes of Ukraine for the first time reached the regional scale of its manifestation, that is, the first time there was a transition from anthropogenic changes of the landscape of a local nature. The article seeks for the time and area where the anthropization of landscapes in Ukraine have first succeeded from its local to regional scale. It is shown that since the initial settling of humans in the area of Ukraine (Early Paleolithic) until the end of Atlantic - middle of Subboreal period of the Holocene the landscapes have been changed by humans at the local scale only. The hypothesis about the transformation of landscapes zonality in Eastern and Central Europe due to the extermination of mammoth and other large hoofed animals by the late Paleolithic hunters, as well as about the massive deforestation during the Neolithic do not have solid and conclusive evidence. Eneoilithic Trypillian people have changed mostly broadleaved forest landscapes in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. However, due to the specific lifestyle of these people (they have used to leave their settlements after each 50-60 years without coming back again to these places) the abandoned lands have undergone natural succession up to the climax or subclimax stands (oak and oak-hornbeam forests after about 200 years). The situation have changed during the last period of Trypillian culture (of its decline; corresponds to the end of Atlantic period of the Holocene) when climate became dry preventing forests recovery successions. The process of post-agricultural steppization have started instead. Despite humans (Trypillians) it was then evolving without of human interference and was the transition from forest Podzol soils to texture differentiated Chernozem soils have originated it. This process have lasted since the end of Atlantic until the beginning of Subatlantic period of the Holocene and covered the area in the right bank of the Dnieper River where Chernozem of regraded type are widespread.

Key words: 
landscape, steppization, Holocene, Trypillian culture, soils evolution

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