The issue of formation of a unified system of concepts characterizing the load on the territory of the population and its economic activity is considered. The purpose of this work is to methodologically and methodically develop an integrated representation of anthropogenic-technogenic loads (ATL) on the territory. The rational territorial organization of the natural environment is provided by the natural frames of the ecological safety of the territory in the form of ecological networks, while socio-economic factors maintain their component and industry representation. The concept of anthropogenic-technogenic load is developed according to its territorial structure: spotted ATL, areal ATL and network ATL. It was emphasized that the formation of ATL frames requires consideration of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of ATL of different types, economic activity and infrastructure. The problem of inventory of “hot spots” and “hot areals”, systematics of cultivated land by intensity levels of agricultural use is noted. It is established that for a rational territorial organization of the region a combined and comparative analysis of the nature-population-economy with the use of the latest conception of ATL frames is required.
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