The purpose of the study is to assess the ecological balance of the small town Bucha in Kyiv region for the environmental justification of the long-term plan for the development of the urban landscape. The integrated assessment of the ecological state of the town territory is researched taking into account the heterogeneity of the impacts and ecological significance of each biotechnical element of the town. The analysis of the distribution of urban lands according to the General City Development Plan allowed tracing the dynamics of the areas of certain categories and the changes associated with it in the ecological state of urban territory. Ecological balance of the urban landscape was determined by the analysis of ecogeographic indicators, which are represented by the coefficients: anthropogenic load, anthropogenic transformation, natural protection, ecological stability, absolute and relative tension of the ecological and economic condition of the town. It‘s established that the coefficients of anthropogenic load, ecological stability and natural protection of the landscape are 4.25, 0.15 and 0.66 respectively, according to which the town is characterized as an ecologically unstable urbun landscape. The coefficient of anthropogenic transformation of the territory, which characterizes the share of anthropogenic modified territories in the structure of land use, will increase from 0.66 (now) to 0.75 (after 20 years), which in both cases corresponds to the increased value. The ecological and economic state of the territory is not balanced by the degree of anthropogenic load and rational correlation of ecologically stabilizing lands. Prognosis data indicate a further deterioration of the environmental situation. The expediency of use of ecogeographic indicators for optimization of general planning of the town territory is substantiated.
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