Ukr. geogr. z. 2019, N3:37-42
Language of publication: 

O.O. Beydyk - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
O.I. Topalova - Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University;
L.A. Prokhorova - Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University.


The economy of Ukrainian needs the new approaches and the innovative project working at the present phase of the development. The processes of the transformation of the administrative-territorial system of the regions and the redistribution of the resource base are the call for the society and the industrial sphere of the country. The present stage of the country’s development, decentralization is the transfer of significant powers and budgets from state bodies to local governments, where such powers can be most successfully implemented. The main positons of the processes of the decentralization and the reformation are set out in the Sustainable Development Strategy «Ukraine 2020», which is also focused on the development of the tourism industry. Two main methodological approaches such as the dialectical and the territorial were based on the basis of the scientific research of the regional tourism in the conditions of the decentralization. The methods of the correlation analysis, the comparative-geographical analysis and the method of the cartographic modeling were used at the analytical and the synthetic stages of the research. The priority directions of the development of the tourism in the Zaporizhia region in the conditions of the decentralization were revealed. The perspective contours of the united territorial communities were determined and the preconditions of the formation of the tourist destinations in the region were considered, the cartographic model of the recreational and tourist potential of the united territorial communities of Zaporizhia region was proposed. The research as for the definition of the territorial contours of the united territorial communities of Zaporizhia region has been further developed.

Key words: 
regional tourism, decentralization, united by territorial community, spatial framework, resortpolicy, subbranch, geosite, Zaporizhia region

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