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Along with wind energy, photovoltaics (PV) are the main technology options for the shift to a decarbonised energy supply towards a low-carbon economy. Thus, the increasing share of solar energy has been one of the main instruments to be considered under the EU energy efficiency targets, Romania has also assumed. Romania has important solar energy resources to be exploited in the lowlands and low hills in southern and south-eastern parts of the country mainly in relation to the high values of the radiation and sunshine duration parameters. However, apart from the clean and sustainable energy they provide, PV farms also involve some environmental consequences (e.g. land degradation, soil erosion, biodiversity loss). The current paper is seeking to identify and analyse the main regional differences and environmental consequences of PV farms installation and use in Southern Romania based on several indicators: the share/surface of PV farms at County level; the share of PV farms of each land use/cover category; distance to forests, waters, protected areas (SCI, SPA); share of PV farms of main soil types. The resulted statistics enabled the authors to identify the existing and the potential environmental impacts of PV farms on specific natural and man-made environmental components (e.g. land use/cover, soils, water bodies, forests, settlements, roads).
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