The purpose of the study is to identify the value of Holosiyivskyi Forest ecosystems, one of several massifs of the only National Natural Park (NNP) within a large city in Ukraine. Also, to find out the causes and factors of ecosystem services (ES) degradation as a result of the impact of the city’s life processes and institution functioning poor organization on forest ecosystems. Map-scheme of the spatial distribution of major environmental conflicts between different nature users on the Holosiyivskyi Forest territory was constructed by using QGIS tools, Google image analysis, available digital maps and field research results. The most valuable services provided by the Holosiyivskyi forest ecosystems for the Kyiv city community are soil protection from erosion, regulation of water runoff, oxygen production, carbon dioxide absorption, biodiversity saving, regulation of moisture and nutrient balance in the soil as well as recreation, wellness and cultural-historical services. Forest ecosystems regulate the specific microclimate of a large city, absorbing industrial and transport emissions, affecting the distribution of temperatures, precipitation, wind, solar radiation, etc. Most of ES are now degraded, and some are even lost as a result of the numerous threats and environmental conflicts caused by the effect of urban geotechnical systems on forest ecosystems, confliction of which is increasing with urban overgrowth. As a result of the conducted research potential threats of the metropolis impact on the Holosiyivskyi Forest ecosystems are identified. The steady increasing of recreational loads causes irreversible changes in the soil and vegetation cover and the destruction of the natural biocenosis linkages. This, in turn, leads to the ES degradation of erosion control, surface and groundwater purification, retention of soil moisture and nutrients, waste decomposition, increasing air pollution, depletion of biodiversity, extinction of rare species and more. In the absence of a buffer zone, most conflicts were recorded within the areas of the Holosiyivskyi Forest that border residential districts, educational establishments and highways. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the detection of the main causes and mechanisms of urban protected areas ecosystems degradation, with reference to specific potential and real nature use conflicts, and their reflection on the corresponding map in order to prevent further decline of protected ecosystems.
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