The main aspects of the development of the new version of the General Scheme of Planning of the territory of Ukraine are outlined. The current General Scheme was approved by the Law of Ukraine in February 7, 2002. It expires in 2020. The activity program of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine envisages the development of a new General Scheme in the coming years. It is established that the main issues that need to be addressed in the new General Scheme are: the construction of a planning framework linked to the European Planning Framework (which is based on the international transport corridors - TIN); taking advantage of growth points; development of functional regions (Azov-Black Sea coast, Ukrainian Carpathians, border regions, urban agglomerations, etc.); development of the National Ecological Network on the basis of the Emerald Network of Ukraine; development of a modern settlement system; changing the structure of land use and increasing the share of nature conservation and recreational areas. The decisions of the General Scheme should be based on the approved Strategy for Regional Development of Ukraine until 2027. The new General Scheme should be created as an interactive geoinformation model in the unified state reference system of USC-2000 coordinates, publicly available for use by public authorities and local governments, and include the following main maps: Planning structure (planning framework) of the territory of Ukraine, functional zoning by types of preferred use, comprehensive assessment of the territory, system of settlement and perspective administrative-territorial structure of the state, transport system, natural framework. Such an interactive modeling system will be relevant for defining a spatial development strategy based on the provisions of the State Strategy for Regional Development of Ukraine until 2027, and at the same time will be able to respond promptly to changes occurring in the country based on information on natural, economic, social, demographic and other potentials of its territory and adjust its development strategy accordingly.
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