що надає послуги з передплати наукових періодичних видань і книг з наукової тематики Національної академії наук України.
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The dynamics of the demographic space of the Republic of Belarus in 1999 – 2018 is provided in the article with using comparative-geographical, statistical and mathematical methods and GIS technologies. The aim of the study was to establish spatial and temporal patterns in the dynamics of the number and character of the natural movement of the urban and rural population at three levels of the territorial. The polarization of the trends in the dynamics of numbers and the differentiation in the character of the natural movement of the urban and rural population are determined. The typology of cities and rural areas was developed according to the character of the demographic balance at the level of 118 administrative districts and 115 cities of Belarus. The prevalence of the regressive type of demographic balance in Belarus as a whole, with differences between urban and rural areas, has been established. Parity positions of the contrast-factor and regressive types are typical cities, and the prevalence of regressive ones in rural areas. The modern demographic balance of the cities and rural areas of Belarus indicates the formation of three zones - central, semi-peripheral and peripheral with parity positions of the last two in citiec=s and the predominance of peripheral zone in rural areas. The analysis indicates an increase of the differentiation of the demographic space of Belarus and its peripherization. Proven differentiation and polarization of the demographic space of Belarus and the trend of its peripheralization from 1999 to 2018. are the basis for developing regionally differentiated areas of demographic security and improving the administrative and territorial structure of the country.
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