що надає послуги з передплати наукових періодичних видань і книг з наукової тематики Національної академії наук України.
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The purpose of this publication is to highlight and summarize some aspects of the current state of wind energy and to outline the possible prospects for its development, primarily depending on climate resources and economic factors.The article deals with the modern state of utilizing wind energy in the world, Europe, and Ukraine on the basis of indices of wind power stations and wind turbines that were put into operation. Literary sources and climatic databases give grounds to estimate the development of wind energy as a significant factor to counteract global climate changes, as well as improvement of the general state of energy security in the world. This work generalizes the future development of wind energy. The author has determined those Ukrainian territories, especially the Carpathian region, that are characterized by the highest wind-energy potential and have favourable conditions to produce electricity at modern highly efficient wind power stations. To research climatic conditions of using wind energy in Transcarpathia homogenized rows of wind speed from the CARPATCLIM climatic database were analysed. Global Wind Atlas data helped us analyse the territorial distribution of wind power indices and wind speed at the altitude of 10 m, 50 m, and 100 m. In addition to climatic conditions, the article analyses environmental aspects of implementing wind energy in the region as well, which can be accounted for by the unique character of the region’s nature.Scientific novelty of the obtained results. The article substantiates the possibility of using wind energy in Transcarpathia according to the indicators of climatic conditions. The results of the study can be of value when planning wind power projects and making investment decisions. Detailed characterization of wind resources of the territory is possible on the basis of a comprehensive approach using hydrodynamic modeling, with additional, short-term, expedition, instrumental measurements of wind speed and direction, preferably at several altitudes above the top. The purpose of this publication is to highlight and summarize some aspects of the current state of wind energy and to outline the possible prospects for its development, primarily depending on climate resources and economic factors.
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