The research is the first that highlights the results of a study of the military invasion by the Russian Federation into Ukraine in 2014 on the life and professional activity of geographers of Ukraine. The study was initiated by the National Committee of Geographers of Ukraine. It indicates non-compliance with international agreements on the inviolability of borders and the territorial integrity of states. The results obtained by the special questionnaires distributed among the members of the Ukrainian Geographic Society living in different regions of Ukraine, revealed important negative effects of the invasion on the professional activity of geographers of the state, on their relations with specialists from Russia, Crimea and those who remained in the occupied territories. The study also showed the deterioration of their everyday and family life, and changes in the orientation of further creative relations with geographers of neighboring states. The findings of the study indicate that the invasion of military formations in Ukraine led to: - radical changes in the professional life of all geographers of Ukraine (change of the program of teaching subjects, the need to prepare new textbooks, significant intensification of public speeches, reorientation in the selection of research sites and conduct scientific and industrial practices, the termination of the use of Russian scientists’ publications, the termination of creative relations with Russian colleagues, etc.); - significant changes in the personal lives of geographers (changing jobs and places of residence, finding housing for families after moving out of the occupied territories), many specialists experience constant sorrow for the difficult times and longing for the past, among these are often abandoned parents, children, relatives, the feeling of stress that does not go away, activation of volunteer movements and attempts to consolidate the efforts of people of different ages in order to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its independent vector of development.
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