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The aim of the research is to develop and present the results of application of methods for assessing and forecasting the levels of fire danger of landscapes. The study is based on the analysis of pyrological characteristics of vegetation cover and data on the current state and landscapes trends. The study was performed for the landscapes of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. This area is fire-hazardous, large areas of forests and fallows (19,200 hectares) were affected by fires in April 2020. Research methods – logical combination of ground observations methods (field landscape and botanical-geographical researches), methods of generalization and analysis of quantitative pyrological indicators of vegetation cover, recognition of satellite images and geoinformation mapping. Research results are: pyrological indicators of vegetation in comparison with the characteristics of landscape conditions are determined; the modern structure and forecast of spatio-temporal changes of the land cover of landscapes as a precondition for definition of their fire danger are analyzed; classes of fire danger of the main types of landscapes of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone are determined; the principles of forecasting the levels of fire danger of landscapes are revealed. For the model area in the central part of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, the analysis of changes in the structure of the land cover for the period from 1992 to 2018 the calculation of their damage by fires in 2020 was performed. Changes in the structure of the land cover of the main types of landscapes of this area are also analyzed. The novelty of the research is the developed methods of assessment and forecasting of fire danger of landscapes on the basis of determination of pyrological characteristics of phytocomponent of landscapes and analysis of results of deciphering of their land cover. Areas of landscape-applied research of geoecological content are expanding due to the application of the proposed methods.
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