Ukr. geogr. z. 2020, N3:13-20
Language of publication: 

Igor Chervanyov - V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
Vladyslav Popov - V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


Research purpose: to prove the possibility of constructing a structural digital elevation model which would adequately reflect its invariant - the fluvial surface runoff network, achieving this in the automatic processing and data structuring mody using GIS technologies. The using of active radar imaging methods is the newest direction in geomorphometry development, which correlates with the traditional morphometric elevation analysis. It is promising for remote mapping of the Earth’s surface. The authors defined the concept of structural surface invariant as the basis of this direction, because it retains the main features during changing the coordinate system, orientation of the imaging equipment, etc., which are important in remote sensing. The most complete reflection of the invariant is the structural digital elevation model (SDEM). The research includes following stages: a) choosing the scheme of the invariant structure ordering; b) creation of a three-dimensional structural elevation model (SDEM); creation of a DEM based on radar sensing of the Earth’s surface (RDEM); initial processing of primary raw data; determining the method of reproducing the appearance of the relief (optical image of the relief) by RDEM in topological and metric terms. Main results: proved the possibility, feasibility and effectiveness of using primary materials of active sensing of the Earth’s surface in radio bands for effective direct construction of SDEM; applied a direct RDEM processing algorithm in addition to using the results of passive terrain sensing in the optical ranges to process the data of Earth’s surface sensing in radio bands.

Key words: 
digital elevation model, structural digital elevation model, GIS-technology, radar imaging methods

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