The purpose of the study: to improve the new educational program in the field of training "Land Management and Cadastre", based on the experience of leading universities in the world and Ukraine, taking into account the requirements of modernity Foreign and domestic experience in training future specialists in geodesy and land management in order to improve the educational program of master’s degree “Land Management and Cadastre” of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University are researched. In recent decades, the world has undergone extremely intensive development of new technologies for obtaining information about the spatial characteristics of objects on the Earth’s surface, including remote sensing, satellite navigation, geoinformation modeling, informatization of cadastral and registration activities, land management and real estate appraisal. As a result, engineering knowledge, skills and abilities quickly “become obsolete” and lose relevance, so modern education of land managers is implemented on the principles of operational consideration of scientific and technological progress and practicality, which necessitates systematic improvement of forms, methods, quality of training staffing in the field of land management. The task of the educational program is to train specialists in the field of cadastral affairs and land management, maintaining the state land cadastre, which is based on the use of geodetic, navigation, aerial surveying equipment, photogrammetric and cartographic systems and systems, specialized geoinformation, geodetic and photogrammetric software for development connection of applied problems in geodesy, land management and cadastre.The novelty of the study is a comprehensive approach to the development of a new educational program that combines three areas of training in land management and cadastre: technical, environmental and management based on modern geographic information systems, geospatial data and modern technologies.
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