Ukr. geogr. z. 2020, N4:11-18
Language of publication: 

I.I. Ustinova - Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture;
M.M. Dyomin - Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture;
G.V. Aylikova - Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.


The aim of the publication is to determine the prerequisites of and to elaborate on the foundations of the Exclusion Zone reintegration in order to address the issue of rational development of urban-planning documentation complex regarding the legitimacy of said territory exploitation. It is established that for the implementation of the «Radioactive waste management strategy» the production complex «Vector» is being constructed on the Exclusion Zone territory; a powerful park of renewable energy generation is being created to implement the «Chornobyl - a Territory of Change» strategy; a Chornobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve was established to support and increase the barrier function of the zone; in order to promote the Safe Chornobyl brand-name, the tourist traffic is being increased and the conditions for the visitors are improving. In the absence of developed and approved city planning documentation, the listed above causes the problem of legitimacy and rationality of the exclusion zone territory use. The paper for the first time raises the question of the need to elaborate the concept of functional planning of the Chornobyl NPP exclusion zone territory and the development of the design-planning complex (urban planning documentation): from the territory.

Key words: 
exclusion zone, the Chornobyl NPP, spatial planning, functional planning, urban planning

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