Ukr. geogr. z. 2021, N4:65-71
Language of publication: 

I.V. Tymchenko - Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv;
R.B. Havryliuk - Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv;
O.V. Tomchenko - Scientifi c Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of GeologicalSciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.


The article presents: the results of the study of changes of the South Bug riverbed (within the Mykolaiv region) using of space images; the estimation of general trend of decreasing runoff in the lower reaches of the Southern Bug River over the last five years are presented as well as and the indication of basic negative consequences which are observed in the river basin; the results of the analysis of changes of the South Bug Riverbed as a consequence of increases in the level of the Oleksandrivskyi Reservoir, which, in particular, is used for the needs of the South Ukrainian NPP. Raising the level of the Oleksandrivskyi Reservoir was carried out in several stages and was accompanied by negative consequences for the environment, in particular flooding of the protected areas, and now it is planned to raise its level again. The study of channel change was performed using Landsat 5-8 space images, QuickBird and WorldView-2 space images for the summer low flow periods. The test area is from the village of Bogdanivka to the village of Prybuzhany of the Voznesenskyi district of the Mykolaiv region within which 3 research sites are allocated. The results of analysis of space images allowed estimating the impact of the Oleksandrivskyi Reservoir under climate change on the lower reaches of the river including the dynamics of the riverbed change downstream and upstream the reservoir dam. The priority measures to enhance the ecological condition of the Southern Bug River are presented in the article.

Key words: 
Southern Bug River, Oleksandrivskyi Reservoir, GIS, Remote sensing, Environmental Impact

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