Ukr. geogr. z. 2022, N1:27-35
Language of publication: 

O.O. Komliev - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv;
S.V. Zhylkin - Institute of Geography of National Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv.


The article presents the results of the study of Mesozoic-Cenozoic motpholithogenesis of the of the Ukrainian shield, within the Irshansky placer development field of titanium deposits of the Ukrainian sub-province of placer province of Eastern Europe. The morpholitogenetic approach expands the methodology and methodical possibilities of geomorphological research. The method of processing analyzes of granulometry and chemical composition of ilmenite, calculation of quantitative indicators that parameterize the granulometric field and the field of variability of ilmenite, integrating the root rocks-weathering crust - mesozoic-cenozoic sedimentary deposits within the placers. Analysis of the static and dynamic parameters of these fields revealed their evolutionary trends within the placers of the Irshansky placer field. The empirically revealed relationship between the average size and the degree of variability of ilmenite can be used in modeling the processes of morpholitogenesis and oregenesis of titanium placer deposits. Interpretations of the obtained results were carried out on a broad paleogeographical basis, taking into account tectonics, paleorelief, and paleoclimates.

Key words: 
motpholithogenesis, ilmenite, monofraction of ilmenite, granulometric coefficients, granulometric field, chemical composition of ilmenite, variability of ilmenite

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