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що надає послуги з передплати наукових періодичних видань і книг з наукової тематики Національної академії наук України.
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Ukr. geogr. z. 2022, No. 4:13-22
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Full text:
In 2022, Ukraine became the object of full-scale russian aggression, which led to human casualties and destruction, and landscape degradation. The final consequences of the hostilities are yet to be assessed, while the need for large-scale reconstruction of the country and its regions is once again evident. In this context, a comprehensive vision of the principles of the development of territories in the post-war period is of particular relevance. The article pays attention to the framework requirements for the planning process in Ukraine and the peculiarities of the documents to be developed at the national and local levels. It has been emphasized that in view of European integration, the General Scheme of Planning of the Territory of Ukraine is the most important document which defines conceptual solutions for planning and rational use of the territory of our state, maintaining a full-fledged living environment, ensuring sustainable development, environmental protection, historical, architectural and cultural sites, determining state priorities and conditions for the development of individual regions and settlements. It should be formed as an interactive modeling system of state management that will determine the strategy for the spatial development of Ukraine as part of the European planning space. The key directions for updating the existing General Scheme have been identified. The processes of reforming urban planning documentation at the local level have been analyzed, with special attention to the proposed integrated recovery programs. The importance of further introduction into the planning process of methods related to the assessment of territories and impacts on the environment and public health has been emphasized.
Key words:
spatial planning, General Scheme of Planning, territorial communities, challenges
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