Ukr. geogr. j. 2023, No. 3:53–62

Vlakh, M. R., Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The content of the general geographical concept of geospatial positionality (geopositionality) is revealed in the context of the relation of a single object / place with geospace, as well as the function of geoplace. Conceptual and terminological analysis of the concept is carried out in formal and semantic aspects. Using an explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language highlighted the meaning of placementtokens (position, location, positioning, neighborhood, proximity / remoteness) and the possibility of their use in geographical texts. Based on the study of scientific sources, object-centric, functional and integrated logical models of the concept of geopositionalityareelaborated. The directions of evolution of object-centric interpretation of the concept are revealed: clarification of the token of relation (sum of relation, set of relation, combination of relation, integral of relation; spatial, geographical, territorial, geospatial relations; spatial aspects of relation); determining the geopositionality of objects of ever smaller spatial coverage; the dominance of the ‘external’ approach to content disclosure; multiscale; potentiality. The functional model of the concept of geopositionality is created through the sequential deployment of the features, relations, potential, functions of geoplace. The semantic triangle of the concept of geopositionality of the object in the unity of its aspectsmeaning and conceptual content is developed. The main attributes of geopositionality (uniqueness / specificity, distance, potentiality / probability, hierarchy / multiscale, dynamism / historicity / variability) are highlighted, and their effect on different logical models are shown. The main directions of development of the concept of geopositionality are defined: nomination of features of geospatial relations of linear, areal, network geoobjects; nomination of dynamism of geopositionality of objects; positioning in relation to geospatial processes; mutual enrichment of semantically closest geopositional concepts; correct application of content and quantitative research methods for mathematical formalization and interpretation of geospatial relations of position and functioning. The classical, non-classical and modern stages in the development of the concepts of geospatial positionality are distinguished.
Key words: 
geospatial positionality, geographical position, attributes of geopositionality, object-centric model, functional model, integral model, semantic triangle

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